Austin Black has finally made a run for it. Heading back to Central Otago for a great winemaking gig is a sad day for me personally. The great news is we welcome Thomas New who has moved up from Tasmania. Big changes but exciting changes all around.
I’m obviously sad to see a mate go. But for Austin, the timing is right and the opportunity to take the reins at Terra Sancta and to lead them into a new era was to good to pass. There is no doubt about the massive contribution Austin has made to the trajectory of our business and wines. Terra Sancta in Otago is in good hands and it will be great to observe their evolution in the coming years. I owe a huge thanks to my great mate and brother.
With change comes the opportunity to welcome Tom. It is a crazy time to jump on board with fruit going in every direction, but Tom is already apparently quite at ease with our banter and philosophies. Please make sure you extend Tom a welcoming hello and introduction when you see him around these parts.